Who We Are?

About Us

Katia Rues
Katia Rues
Raphael Rues
Raphael Rues


Our mission is to research historical heritage, enhancing awareness related to the Insubrica region.  We privilege true traces belonging to the past that everyone can visit nowadays. We are a non-profit organisation based in Switzerland. Contact us if you want to contribute as an author. The content of our Web site is offered mainly in Italian and English, but other languages are also welcomed.


A volunteer in Insubrica Historica, responsible in her free-time for the operational matters of our activities as well as managing the publishing activities. Certified Data Analyst Expert, responsible for all the analysis and dashboards with Microsoft PowerBI. She holds a MBA from the HES-SO Lausanne, and a Ph.D from Université de Lille and Heidelberg University.


A volunteer in Insubrica Historica and a responsible for risk and quality management of the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) in Bern. During his free time, he does research on the Insubrica region and its modern history. He holds a BA in Economic History (1996) and MSc in Risk and Crisis Management (2003). Raphael Rues Consegna Premio Repubblica Partigiana Ossola 2020, Rioccupazione della Repubblica Partigiana dell’Ossola October 1944

What is the Insubrica region?

The Insubrica region belongs geologically to the Periadriatic Seam (or see here for another perspective). It is a distinct in the Southern Europe, S-shaped, running about 1000 km from the Tyrrhenian Sea through the whole Southern Alps. It forms the division between the Adriatic plate and the European plate. Insubria is a historical-geographical region which corresponds to the area inhabited in Classical antiquity by the Insubres. The Insubres or Insubri were a Gaulish population (part of the Golasecca Culture) settled in the part what is today known as the region of Lombardy. They were the founders of Mediolanum (Milan). Though becoming completely Gaulish at the time of the Roman conquest, they resulted from the fusion between Ligurian and Celtic populations with Gaulish tribes. 

At present, the term is used as a synonym for the territory of the Comunità di lavoro Regio Insubrica. The community, founded in 1995, includes the provinces of Varese, Como, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Lecco, Novara and the Italian speaking part, which forms naturally the Canton of Ticino, in Switzerland. The region includes the territory of pre-Alpine lakes situated on the border between Switzerland and Italy where Italian language and West-Lombard dialects are spoken.

Insubrica Historica (IH) is a registered publication in the catalog of the Swiss National Library (Helveticat). ISSN 2624-523X. Insubrica Historica (IH) is a registered trademark (72051/2018) at Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property