We pre-announced on this blog on February 13, 2019 the conference: Stragi e deportazioni nazifasciste – Per la giustizia e contro l’ambiguità. The conference held at the premise of the Italian Senate – Sala Koch in Rome, was a success and probably the first milestone in clarifying the judicial situation regarding the financial compensation of war crimes, specifically of crimes committed by German units during 1943-1945 in Italy.
The conference was broadcasted by the Italian Senate TV and lasted slightly more than two hours. It is worth to spend two hours of everyone life, listening to the judicial absurdity that we have today, when it goes in the matter of getting compensation of war crimes from single nations. The interventions of the speakers: Domenico Gallo, Giuseppe Tesauro, Liliana Segre (on which we already mentioned her on this article), Tullio Scovazzi and last but not least Magistrate Luca Baiada – are all of extreme importance, and as we just wrote – worth to be listened to. The conference was held in Italian.