Antenna Ticinese dei Verbanisti

The Società dei Verbanisti is a non-profit association that brings together scholars and enthusiasts of the history, art and culture of the territories surrounding Lake Maggiore and in particular of the provinces of Verbano Cusio Ossola, Novara, Varese and the area of Locarno (Canton Ticino). The association was founded in 1981 by the bookseller-publisher Carlo Alberti and scholars Pierangelo Frigerio, Claudio Mariani, Pier Giacomo Pisoni, Franco Vercelotti, in order to support the publication of the annual magazine Verbanus. Verbanisti helds in various locations of the lake of biennial conferences, called conviti.

In 1986, the late Professor Romano Broggini informally established the Ticino section of the Verbanisti, stimulating many authors to collaborate with their contributions to the publication “Verbanus”, thus allowing, in fact, to become a cross-border publication. A convinced Verbanist and Insubrian, Broggini was able to interpret the history of the communities and individuals settled in the cultural “biodiversity” that unites us, or differentiates us.

In order to keep the legacy alive and consolidate the relationships of friendship and exchanges between the communities of Lake Maggiore, prof. Riccardo Carazzetti with other history enthusiasts set up in Ascona, on 18 February 2016, the Antenna Ticinese Verbanisti (ATV), thus formalizing the initiative of Prof. Broggini.

ATV as an association intends to promote and encourage the study, research and dissemination activities concerning the history, current affairs, art, culture and environment of Lake Maggiore, maintaining close relationships with the parent company of the Verbanisti and other bodies active in the area.

Verbanus publication for 2019, contact us, if you would like to order a copy.

ATV financially supports the annual publication of the company magazine “Verbanus”, and ensures the publication of contributions on topics related to the territory of the Swiss Verbanus. The statutory aims include, among other things, the organisation of events.

Insubrica Historica has the privilege of being part of ATV and helping this association in its activities, notably in organising conferences, as it will be the case for the forthcoming conference in Locarno of Friday 27 September 2019. This conference will be held in order to remember the 75th anniversary of the Partisan Republic Ossola.
