Galleria di Finero, 75esimo anniversario uccisione dei comandanti partigiani colonello Moneta e Alfredo Di Dio.

In occasione del 75esimo anniversario dell’imboscata fatta dal 7./SS-Pol.Rgt.15 a Finero/Valle Cannobina, Insubrica Historica con Carlo Fedeli di Mergozzo ha potuto fare nelle scorse settimane un sopraluogo tecnico sul luogo dal quale i due comandanti partigiani – colonello Attilio Moneta e Alfredo Di Dio, nella fasi cruciali della rioccupazione dell’Ossola vennero uccisi.

The old provincial road, in the vicinity of which the partisan commanders Moneta and DiDio were killed on 12.10.1944. In the background the village of Finero / Valle Cannobina. We are at 820 meters above sea level. Picture credits: Insubrica Historica

Una rapida ascesa dal versante Sud della galleria, zona Monte Castello, permette di rendersi conto di cosa avvenne esattamente nella mattina del 12 ottobre 1944. Il promontorio di Monte Castello presenta un luogo ideale per piazzare delle mitragliatrici pesanti, verosilmimente delle MG42, e sorprendere quindi la colonna partigiana.

Situation of the Finero tunnel in relation to the border with Switzerland. Cannobio is located to the east and Domodossola to the west. Image credits:

Nei prossimi mesi, Insubrica Historica con Carlo Fedeli, investigheranno ulteriormente questo importante evento, ricostruendo in maniera dettagliata la dinamica dell’attacco. Evento importante tanto che due protagonisti tedeschi del 7./SS-Pol.Rgt.15 ottennero entrambi la Croce di Ferro seconda classe per quest’azione.

In the foreground the plaque commemorating the place where the two partisan commanders are killed. In the background, the Monte Castello area, from which the Germans surprise the partisan column with a heavy machine gun fire. Picture credits: Insubrica Historica 2019

Short English translation. Finero Tunnel, 75th anniversary killing of partisan commanders Colonel Moneta and Alfredo Di Dio.
On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the ambush made by 7./SS-Pol.Rgt.15 in Finero/Valle Cannobina, Insubrica Historica with Carlo Fedeli of Mergozzo has been able to make in recent weeks a technical inspection on the site from which the two partisan commanders, in the crucial phases of the reoccupation of the Ossola region, were killed. A rapid ascent from the southern side of the tunnel, in the Monte Castello area, makes it possible to understand what exactly happened on the morning of October 12, 1944. The promontory of Monte Castello is an ideal place to place heavy machine guns, a veritable example of the MG42, and thus surprise the partisan column. In the coming months, Insubrica Historica with Carlo Fedeli, will further investigate this important event, reconstructing in detail the dynamics of the attack. Important event so that two German protagonists of the 7./SS-Pol.Rgt.15 both obtained the Iron Cross second class for this action.

Picture view immediately above the old tunnel. The old road – on which the partisan group is surprised and killed – passes on the left of the new tunnel entry in the foreground. Picture credits: Insubrica Historica 2019

Finero Tunnel, 75. Jahrestag der Ermordung der Partisanenkommandanten Colonel Moneta und Alfredo Di Dio.
Anlässlich des 75-jährigen Jubiläums des Hinterhalts von 7./SS-Pol.Rgt.15 in Finero/Valle Cannobina konnte Insubrica Historica mit Carlo Fedeli aus Mergozzo in den letzten Wochen eine technische Inspektion an dem Ort durchführen, von dem aus die beiden Partisanenkommandanten in den entscheidenden Phasen der Wiederbesetzung der Ossola region getötet wurden. Ein rascher Aufstieg von der Südseite des Tunnels, im Bereich Monte Castello, macht es möglich, zu verstehen, was genau am Morgen des 12. Oktober 1944 passiert ist. Das Gebiet des Monte Castello ist ein idealer Ort, um schwere Maschinengewehre MG42 aufzustellen und so die Partisanensgruppe zu überraschen. In den kommenden Monaten wird Insubrica Historica mit Carlo Fedeli dieses wichtige Ereignis weiter untersuchen und die Dynamik des Angriffs im Detail rekonstruieren. Ein wichtiges Ereignis, so dass zwei deutsche Protagonisten der 7./SS-Pol.Rgt.15 für diese Aktion das Eiserne Kreuz zweiter Klasse erhielten.
